Description EXD Platform Tennis Ball: The Wilson EXD Platform Tennis Ball provides unmatched levels of durability with our new EXD technology, while still providing the highest levels of durability. 1 Case = 72 Balls total 0 Reviews 0 Reviews Add Review
Wilson EXD Platform Tennis Balls (Box = 2 Balls) $10.99 Platform Tennis Wilson EXD Platform Tennis Balls (Box = 2 Balls)
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Wilson Platform Tennis Practice Balls $74.99 $59.99 Platform Tennis Wilson Platform Tennis Practice Balls
Xenon Championship Edition Platform Tennis Ball - Case (72 Balls) $385.00 Platform Tennis Xenon Championship Edition Platform Tennis Ball - Case (72 Balls)
Special Edition Platform Tennis Balls- 2 Sleeves (4 balls) Choose Options $29.95 Platform Tennis Special Edition Platform Tennis Balls- 2 Sleeves (4 balls)